Ink Garden. 10 days on coincidences path

Ink Garden Maria Bonelli









Tell and reinvent

yuor days

Look around you from a new perspective and tell the world around you in your own way, on paper, for at least 10 days. 

Follow the Ink Garden path - it's made up of squiggles, scribbles, doodles, tangles and symbols. Give voice to your emotions and take note of what happens in reality and in your dreams, with words, drawings, images, stickers, fabrics, tulle, bus tickets or supermarket receipts, pages of books, even petals or leaves. 

It is what you need to create your ink garden, a creative, artistic diary, your unique and personal art journal. Everything you need is already around you. Follow the path of coincidences and nothing else. For ten days. 

The book is nothing more than an experience. A game to learn to know and recognize yourself. A tool for traveling with open eyes in everyday life. A place to rediscover the playful approach to everyday life. A path not to take yourself too seriously, not to get lost in the monotony of our routines, to discover a hidden meaning in the things we do. A diary to rediscover the seductive side of chaos and chance. 

The Ink Garden is made up of three parts. The first briefly illustrates the project and explains how you can enter the garden and walk its paths. The second part broadly examines the concept of serendipidity and the significant coincidences that affect the choices and decisions of each of us. In the third and last part there are the 10 illustrations that give life to the Ink Garden and that accompany you in the creation of your garden with a final Mind Map. It is the Ink Garden hidden in the thoughts of each of us that must be recovered. 

Collect it with the promise that it will help you flow with joy into ordinariness. 

The secret is letting go and throwing yourself. 

Give space to your creativity. 

Notice the coincidences and design your own garden.

Buy for yuorself 🌸  

or buy for a friend 🎁

